Students’ families, clubs and bodies

Students’ families, clubs and bodies

1. Fekra Family

A stylish trend of student activity in Egypt. It even exceeds the student activity embargo to be a lifestyle for its affectionate followers whenever or wherever they are. Its future ambitious circle includes the positive change of Egyptian human being through all the levels. an example of our projects: Fekra Medical Caravan, Fekra Book Fair, Fekra Awareness Campaigns and we keep creating new projects every year.

Twitter & Instagram: @Fekraunion



2. Scouts (3asheret el gawala)

God .. homeland .. public service

It is considered one of the oldest entities of student activities at Ain Shams University, founded nearly half a century ago, student scout entity of university belongs to Marine Scouts. Scouting is a global voluntary, educational, social, nonpolitical activity, it does not belong to any political party or ideology, it is an entity for all people. They aim to help in integration and development of the physical, mental, spiritual and social capacities of young people to become positive citizens who contribute to their local, national and global communities.




3. 7adota Masreya family

A student activity founded in 2012 at faculty of medicine Ain shams university. It aims to improve students' skills by sharing ideas in a frame of teamwork and helping others to make the university life full of both benefits and fun.  Its activities include: cultural, scientific, artistic and sports activities.




4. Roshetta bel Arabi

Roshetta is a student activity at faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University which aims to spread the medical awareness and change the wrong health habits into new healthy ones. This is happening by different awareness campaigns. Their members work hard to change the wrong beliefs around some diseases like Diabetes, Hepatitis, hypertension, smoking and mental disorders.



5. MIA (Medical Innovation Assembly)

A non-profit student organization that aims to improve medical/dentistry student's critical thinking as well as presentation skills through the art of debate.  Throughout the year they hold 4 sessions that focus on various aspects of debate and help their members get out of their comfort zone and practice those skills to prepare for the final conference. However, MIA's work doesn't stop there, they give their members a taste of clinical life and a chance to give something back to community through health campaigns.



6. AMSRA “Ain shams Medical Students Research Association”

A non-profit entity founded in May 2012 to mark and create a revolutionary change in the field of medical research. Their goal is to escalate clinical research education among medical students, enabling them to keep pace with the constantly increasing scientific breakthroughs over the world.

They aim at nourishing the energy and creativity of Ain-sham students by providing them with the appropriate research training, as well as collaborating with international scientific societies and universities. AMSRA hosted NIH-IPPCR course, organized research courses, TEDMED, research ethics campaigns, and many other activities.


7. AMWHO (Ain Shams Model World Health Organization)

A student-run society which through interactive sessions and health campaigns acts as a forum for global health ending with a simulation of the World Health Assembly where students exercise public speech, negotiation, debate and health advocacy.

AMWHO’s mission is to promote the idea of public health advocacy to students. It offers an opportunity to students to be engaged in WHO projects of concern and spread awareness about pressing health care matters. Through AMWHO, delegates will gain experience in researching, critically analyzing and debating.


 8. Tabeeb el-Kheir

A voluntary association aiming to provide health awareness and emphasis the importance of health care in Egypt. We are helping to improve the spirit of patients by organizing special hospital visits.  we are also aiming to participate and establish medical caravans.


Listed in 2004 by the number: "5658"
Chairman of board of directors:
*Dr. Mohsen Al Alfy"

They aim to:
1. Spreading the culture of regular blood donation through awareness campaigns.
2. Provision of blood bags for children of "anemia of the mediterranean" / "Thalassemia" inside "Al Demerdash" hospitals through periodic blood donation campaigns in cooperation with "Al Demerdash" hospitals Blood Bank.
3. Forming of blood donation groups includes a small number of donors for each, according to the Limited Exposure Program (LEP) system.
4. Forming of blood platelets donation groups for children who has need for it inside "Al Demerdash" hospitals.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 October 2018, 4:02 PM